As given by The Powers that Be:
As a magical Druid you do have the ability to cast spells and make potions. As for your power, you have been granted the ability of Shadowscape. With this ability you can manipulate your body to become apart of shadows, only large shadows for now. When you enter a large shadow, cast by a building, a large tree, etc, you can become part of the shadow, invisible to the human eye.

While using your power you can still see, speak, and hear but you lose your other two senses of taste and touch. While you are shadowscaping you can not be harmed. You become somewhat invincible.

You can only remain in shadowscape form for a maximum of 3 posts. Once those three posts have passed you must wait until you post exactly 5 posts within the game before you can use your power again.
Level Up - Level 3 Advancements

As given by The Powers that Be:
Level Up
{As of this moment Trevor Sandburg's magical status has increased to Level 3. The strength of his spell casting, potion making, scrying, and perception abilities have increased accordingly when applicable.}

Power Advancement
{As a natural progression of his shadowscaping powers Trevor is now able to freely travel through the shadows he melds into, though this is by no means a method of teleportation. He can only move around the shadows in his given vicinity (thread), and the shadows must be linked to one another. He cannot hop shadows (sneak peek there), leaping from one to another, even if they are in sight, if the shadows are not touching one another. The duration of his powers have doubled (six consecutive in-character posts), but the idle period of his powers also increases by one post (six consecutive in-character posts).

Due to his stay in the Underworld (not to mention his growing insanity) Trevorfs powers also take on a darker evolution; shadowmerging. The opposite function of his first power, Trevor can merge his own shadow into his physical body for a brief duration of time (three consecutive in-character posts). This talent temporarily leaves him without a shadow altogether, and his physical characteristics are temporarily altered; his eyes become obsidian and his skin becomes marked with black veins. During this time he gains enhanced strength, with the ability to lift up to 200 pounds with great ease. This is a separate ability from his shadowscaping and thus it has no effect on the duration period of his primary power. That being said, once he has posted the use of this secondary power for three consecutive in-character posts the power will become idle for eight consecutive in-character posts.

If Trevor activates one power, while already accessing the other, it will cancel the first power he activated and enact its idle period.}

Example of shadowmerging:
(thanks Jon)


So...I just want to make sure I understand Trevor's power. This is what I understand:
Trevor can become a part of a large shadow. In effect, as he becomes the shadow, he looses tangibility and is no longer in 'human form'. Rather, he is darklight. This form does not necessarily require human shape--it can take the shape of the shadow or part of the shadow (but that would only be relevant if his powers advance). This "energy" that he turns into is still consciously aware and can speak, hear, and see. His senses, however, would have to be abstract. After all, if he has no tangible body--or sense of touch--he could not talk (no vocal chords) or hear (no inner ear drum to catch vibrations) or see (no retina). But abstract senses are not too hard for me to grasp. It could be explained by interdemensional stasis or mere magic.
This is all true, Trevor's human form does not stay intact, he does in fact transform into "darklight" to become apart of the shadow, Therefore the senses he retains are not acquired by the "human sense" of things. Instead it is abstract as you call it. He is able to do these things simply because his power allows him to; through mere magic.
That begs the question then: Would people be able to hear him breathe? And that answer is dependent on how abstract his senses really are...so any clarification?
No they would not. He bleeds in seamlessly with the shadow, becoming apart of the shadow itself. If he does not retain his human body he has no need to breathe at all. Just as he has no vocal chords, no retina, or inner ear drum he also has no lungs. Therefore he does not need to breathe. He is simply a being, although an abstract one.
As of now, Trevor cannot move while in shadow form since he is not advanced enough. So...that would lead me to assume that when he comes out of the shadowscape, he should be in the exact same position as he was before. He cannot move around "in" the shadow.
Well this is a tricky one. While it is true that Trevor cannot move around in the shadow, once apart of him emerges free he is able to move again. For instance, picture a shadow forecast on a wall. If Trevor is in this shadow and he steps out of it, it'll be as though he is walking out into an area, exiting from some mystical void. So when he reappears he can be moving outward and he doesn't have to come back standing exactly in the same position he was prior to entering the shadowÉunless you choose for him to do so or something else causes his power to fade before its intended time. In those cases he would be in the same position.
In regard to shadowscaping at night (which has never been brought up, but I am curious), I assume he cannot simply shadowscape since it is dark. That is not really shadow--that is just subdued light, borrored light, if you will. A shadow requires an object to block the path of light. Darkness, on the other hand, is just less light.
You're correct on that. Trevor cannot shadowscape into darkness. A shadow is classified as something forecast by on object that is obstructing some type of source of light. Artificial darkness, one can call it, is the only thing Trevor can shadowscape into.
I also assume that his clothes shadowscape with him. So, that would mean whatever he is touching would become a part of the shadow as well, unless it is living. So, for the sake of argument, as of now he is in shadowscape form and the spear is shadowscaped, but Jesse (since she is living) is unaffected. If and when his powers advance, he may develop an ability to shadowscape with intended organisms. Or not. That one is iffy...
True Jesse would be unaffected by Trevor's shadowscaping even though he is in fact holding onto her. The spear is liable to fall into the shadowscape too, as something attached to Trevor would be affected, but this is not to say Trevor can shadowscape with any non-organic object. For instance, a spear's mass is spread thin and long, so it easier for Trevor to shadowscape with it. As would a knife, a sword, a book or a backpack. But say for instance, Trevor was holding onto a large chest, television set, or bookcase even. None of those will be affected by the shadowscape because their mass size would be too large, and Trevor can only reshape so much mass into this "darklight" he transforms into. Objects with a small amount of mass can be affected by Trevor's power, but something that is heavy or very large would not be affected.