#7 - The Vanished

Liz understands that Max can't rest until he finds Alex. And she's been busy herself--spending time with Roswell newcomer Adam. She's been having so much fun with Adam that Max is in danger...of being forgotten.
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The group tries different avenues of getting Alex back to Earth, but everything they try fails. They know their only chance is the Stone of Midnight, but how can they get it back from DuPris? While searching, the group discovers that Clean Slate is still active--and that Alex's dad is a part of the organization.
In a risky move, the teens track down DuPris and take back the stone by force. Boosting its power with the unexpected help of Clean Slate's 'The Major' (or in other words, Alex's dad), the teens are able to see Alex's molecules begin to emerge in thin air. Before the attempt at transportation is completed, however, the stone loses its power. The teens are left alone in the cave, DuPris having escaped, and Alex still trapped.
All of the aliens have the ability to release their molecules and reform them in a different location.
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